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Community at the Cross #3: Dear To Us

My husband, Andrew, and I both come from large, Mediterranean families (think “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”). But living far from family has necessitated a reliance on friendships that, in turn, has shown us the beauty of community. We have found just such a loving community through our City Group! 

It takes time to build meaningful and lasting relationships, and through friendships in our City Group over the past year and half, we have shared some of our lowest lows and highest highs. Our group prayed for us when we were walking through two miscarriages, and our group celebrated with us—and brought meals to us—when we brought our baby home. We are so thankful for friends in our City Group who offer to babysit for us so we can have a date night!

In 1 Thessalonians 2:8, the Apostle Paul writes, “We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.”

Sharing life together with others is vulnerable, humbling, and uncomfortable at times. However, community presents us an opportunity to be known as well as to give and receive love. We have found a rich reward of joy and friendship by committing to community at City Church—a kind of community that, in our experience, can be found nowhere else.

We hope you will consider checking out one (or multiple) small groups at City Church, including City Groups, Focus Groups, and the Space City Fellows Program. Each of these groups offer opportunities for friendship, discipleship, growth, and compassion. To learn more and get connected with a group, take a moment to fill out this brief interest form. And if you have any questions, always feel free to contact our Director of Community Formation, Clint Wilson.

Joy Hanna, Worship Arts Manager
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