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About Us

Our Mission

City Church exists to bring Christ’s beauty into brokenness.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Loving God


We prioritize worship, seeking to grow in our personal relationship with Christ while exuding generosity to those around us. We want to help people discover the beauty of the Lord that satisfies the deepest longings of the human heart.

Loving Others

Explore Doubt
We are a safe place to explore the possibility of faith and take questions of belief and unbelief seriously. We focus on building community and serving the body of Christ.

Loving the City

We love and serve the poor and those marginalized by the brokenness around us. We celebrate the arts as vital to the recovery of beauty. And we seek to integrate faith into work so it can be seen as a sacred calling instead of merely a job.

Stories of Grace

Stories of Grace highlight examples of God’s grace through his people, church, and community. Our hope is that you find encouragement in these stories told by those at City Church.


What We Believe

At City Church, we believe the Bible teaches that God is loving, compassionate, a friend to sinners, holy, just, all knowing, and perfect in all he is and does. Every human being is created in the image of God, full of inherent dignity and worth. Every human being is also broken, due to human rebellion and estranged from the creator.
God provided a way to salvation by his Son. We are not saved because of anything we do, but because of God’s mercy and grace.
Jesus Christ lived a sinless life, perfectly keeping the demands of God’s holy law that we are unable to fill. Jesus Christ died on the cross in our place and is the only bridge between God and us. We can be saved by trusting alone in Jesus and what he has done for us. When a person becomes a Christian, the Holy Spirit enters and empowers to follow Jesus. We follow Jesus by grace through faith in close community with one another.

City Church is affiliated with ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians.

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Why do we take communion every Sunday?

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Why do we pray written prayers–old and new?

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Why do we always say a prayer of confession at City Church?

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What are we trying to do in sermons?


The Story of City Church

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read & watch more about city church

Faith’s Review & Expectation

Be Thou My Vision

God’s Highway

The Story of City Church

Conversation with Beth Moore

Giving in the Midst of Uncertainty