At City Church, we desire to serve with others who are already renewing Houston and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have established relationships with local and international mission partners because we believe they paint beautiful pictures of grace in deep pockets of brokenness.
City Church
Mission Partners
To learn more or get connected, email or call specific contact listed or send an email to
Local Mission Partners
Our local mission partners are working to bring beauty into Houston.
National & Global Mission Partners
Our national and global mission partners are working to bring beauty into areas across the world.
We support church plants across communities as we strive to teach the gospel.
We are committed to supporting people and organizations as they bring beauty into broken places.
Local Mission Partners
Agape Development
Staff contact: Amanda Garner
Casa El Buen Samaritano
Staff contact: Christy Sylvester
Casa El Buen Samaritano shares the love of Jesus Christ while providing whole-person — body, soul, spirit — healthcare to the low-income, the uninsured, and uninsurable population in our community.
Houston Responds
Staff contact: Jeff Schultz
Houston Responds exists to unite, empower, and mobilize churches across Greater Houston to expedite long-term recovery, respond to community crises, and prepare for future disasters.
Staff contact: Lea Byrd
Drop-in center for human trafficked or victims of the commercial sex trade who desire a safe, comfortable place of rest where they can be cared for, nurtured, and encouraged in a respecting environment.

Staff contact: Greg Lueb
A welcoming community where those needing housing, food, and mental health programs can stabilize and grow in productivity and independence.
Pathways for
Little Feet
Staff contact: Madison Ziegenbein
Reduces financial barriers for adoptive families to help bring children home and provides support along the adoption journey.
Small Steps Nurturing Center
Staff contact: Madeleine Haynes
Provides an exemplary early childhood program to instill and foster social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual growth of economically at-risk children and their families.
National and Global Mission Partners
Athletes in Action
Athletes in Action in Houston builds spiritual movements in college athletic departments, where athletes are coming to Christ, being built up in their faith and using their unique platform as athletes to reach not only their teammates, but the campus and community with the gospel!
Exists to serve and mobilize the international student population in the USA and abroad.
The Ex-Nihilo Collective
Hope Booth
Inspiring a culture of creating for the sake of the gospel, by raising up & equipping high-capacity creatives.
Hope Booth is a 3-minute Interactive Immersive Experience from the Ex-Nihilo Collective that delivers artistic messages of hope in the form of remodeled phone booths, strategically placed throughout our cities, globally.
International Justice Mission
Rice campus ministry that establishes and advances witnessing communities of students and faculty.
Serves college students by providing teaching, worship, fellowship, and Bible studies equipping them for a lifetime of service.

International organization that works all over the world to combat poverty, hunger, illness, and disaster. Learn more about World Renew.
Church Plants
Caleb and Summer Shocklie are planting a church in Edinburgh, Scotland through ECO.
Disaster Assistance
These organizations have been thoroughly reviewed and approved by City Church. For any questions, reach out to Anthony Lane.
ECO Presbytery of Southern California
World Renew prioritizes assisting homeowners who are uninsured, elderly, low income, or otherwise unable to recover from a disaster on their own.
of Hope
Help provide immediate relief to those in need through the Crisis Relief Fund.
Current Opportunities
We encourage you to consider serving alongside one of our mission partners. Questions? Contact Anthony Lane.
Casa el Buen Samaritano
Interested in getting plugged in? Schedule a tour on Tuesdays or Thursdays. The tours and information meetings are about an hour.
Opportunities to serve at Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen or Anawim Thrift Store. Email to get connected.
Serve meal to survivors, attend volunteer training, pray for survivors, donate items, or make snack packs. Check out The Landing’s Hub for more opportunities!
Pathways For
Little Feet
Volunteer for events such as Little Plates Chefs Competition and Pathways Picnic or serve on a program committee! Email to get connected.
Small Steps
Nuturing Center
Volunteer for the buddy program, prayer partners, school events, and fundraisers! Fill out the inquire form to connect!